swfobject.embedSWF(“http://www.youtube.com/v/3NJevxwysAU&rel=0&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=0″, “vvq-3189-youtube-1″, “640″, “480″, “10″, vvqexpressinstall, vvqflashvars,
swfobject.embedSWF(“http://www.youtube.com/v/3NJevxwysAU&rel=0&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=0″, “vvq-3189-youtube-1″, “640″, “480″, “10″, vvqexpressinstall, vvqflashvars, Duke M&M'sI dont know if anyone else noticed the little blue and white M&M’s on our tables during the fancy dinner we had Dean Sheppard on the 1st day of class, but I picked up a packet and brought it home with me. When I got home, I was ready to impress everyone with my new found MBA smarts, Duke’s ranking and the bevy of Duke emblazoned gifts (5, if you count the stress relieving globe) . But nothing impressed my family and co-workers as much as the Duke M&M’s. Apparently, nothing says high quality MBA program like M&M’s with the schools Continue Reading London, day 14: …and they’re gone!Not sure if it is just me, but there’s a melancholy feeling in the hotel today. Most of the classmates are in the process of returning home at this point, with myself and a few other stragglers staying the evening and flying out tomorrow. I just got back from having some fish & chips with Ian, Kerry, Waheed, Johnson, and Hao, and there was this odd feeling like we had known each other all our lives, and it was actually sad that we would no longer be together here in London. On the other hand, I haven’t heard anyone say they are not ready to get back home and resume their “normal” lives either! Personally, I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed, eat my own food, and resume the ‘honeymoon’ phase with my wife. Getting married August 1st and leaving August 13th, today actually marks the day that I’ve been in London longer than I’ve been at home with my wife. Not good. Continue reading |
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