What search engines think of themselves

This doesn’t really have alot to do with our MBA, but the thought of doing this search did come when I was procrastinating during the Decision Sciences sugar/rum assignment . See if you can spot the things I definitely did not expect to find (hint, they are in italics :)

Google Search “Google Sucks” Bing Search “Google Sucks” Google Search “Bing Sucks” Bing Search “Bing Sucks”
GOGLE SUCKS!! GOGLE SUCKS!! Why Bing Sucks; Top 5 Reasons Why Bing Sucks; Top 5 Reasons
Google Sucks- Google Search Sucks Google Sucks- Google Search Sucks Bing Sucks Bing Sucks
Youtube- Google Sucks Google Sucks – Home Why Bing Sucks; Top 5 Reasons Microsoft Sucks
Business profile for googlesucks.us provided by NetworkSolutions Does google really suck? YouTube- Bing Sucks Bing sucks –Statistics
Google Sucks – Home Google Sucks! Google Maps Got me arrested! The Suck Report – Bing Tech product names suck, Bing blows
Google sucks, it just sucks! Top 10 Reasons Google Sucks My Chia Pets Why Bing Sucks Webmaster Center – Bing
Google Sucks! Google Maps Got me arrested! Why Google Sucks – Google Search Sucks The Daily Breather, Why the search Engine Bing Sucks Google Sucks
Google-sucks.org- The anti-Google – Webmaster Forum Google sucks, it just sucks! Why Bing Sucks; Top 5 Reasons Microsoft Bing is Freaking Amazing!
Google This Bing sucks –Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social…