The view from my lounge chair facing the Burj Al Arab
Classes finished up yesterday, but without the equivalent to the mid-term Accounting exam this residency, the day was rather anti-climatic. Class ended at 3:30, then everyone packed up their belongings and headed to the beach. Unlike the rest of my classmates, this was actually the first time I had been to the beach since I arrived in Dubai 9 days ago. All I can say is that the views were amazing, and swimming in the Persian Gulf is certainly a different experience than I usually get in the Mid-Atlantic region. Green, warm salt water with big waves…I’m usually not an ocean type person, but I could get used to that!
Once sunset hit, the party moved to the pool bar…which in my case was also the end of the night. A few too many Mai Tai’s had me in bed by 10pm, which pretty much sums up my Dubai experience. With an unofficial motto of ‘The sky has no limit’, you actually find your limits quite quickly!
And with that, the residency is over. I’m taking another day here to recuperate, then have a travel day. Beautiful beach views aside, it will be really good to be home.
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